Tobias Shepherd


Quebec, Canada



Toby loves being outside and in the woods, pure and simple. A lifetime of paddling led Toby to become active in Outdoor Education and wilderness instruction in 2006. He began leading wilderness canoe and backpacking expeditions for Outward Bound in 2007 as a Lead Instructor and Course Coordinator year round. Toby has also worked with Outward Bound as a dog sledding guide, getting to be on trail with dogs for the past four winters has only increased his connection to the wilderness. Extended periods of time on trail heightened Toby’s interest in wilderness medicine and he started instructing for WMA in 2008 following the completion of his WEMT training with WMA. Toby is continually inspired through interactions and learning with students. These days, when he’s not in the back-country or teaching a WMA course, you will likely find Toby paddling studying sustainability, an important topic that could use more of everyone’s attention.

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Wilderness rescue students utilizing skills learned throughout courses.

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