Claire Burnard
ON, CanadaCertifications
WFR, NLS, BSc.Claire has been exploring the wilderness of Canada by canoe since before she could walk. She spent over a decade guiding canoe trips all over Eastern Canada, teaching flat and whitewater canoeing, After completing her BSc. at Dalhousie University, she expanded her work to winter camping by snowshoe and dogsled. Claire has a diverse skills background, including many traditional skills like trapping, wood carving, and leather craft. Claire is currently pursuing her second Bachelor’s degree in Nursing at University of Western Ontario. She can’t wait to take this new healthcare training into the field in the most remote areas of Turtle Island.
Claire has held a WFR with WMA since 2010. She loves the opportunity to meet new students from all over, and learn about the health care challenges unique to their specific line of work.