Josh Jackson


California, United States



Josh Jackson has fervor for both outdoor recreation and teaching, and he has spent over a decade trying to marry his passions. Josh has worked as a climbing, river and mountain guide throughout the West and Alaska. He has his Bachelor’s degree in Adventure Education and Wilderness Leadership from Prescott College and a Master’s in Outdoor Experiential Education from the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Josh is a Wilderness EMT who has been active in Search & Rescue. In addition to working as an Outward Bound instructor, climbing gym manager, wilderness therapy facilitator, field program manager and a Wilderness Medical Associates®’ instructor, he has served as adjunct faculty at colleges and universities, teaching such courses as expeditionary sea kayaking, white water rafting, rock climbing, back country skiing, ice climbing, surfing, map & compass, winter camping, wilderness leadership and wilderness first responder.

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