Sarah Fritz
Colorado, United StatesCertifications
W-EMT, R.N.Sarah Fritz is a nurse based outside of Estes Park area, Colorado. She has been a nurse for last 18 years in many different fields of nursing, with her last job focused in Oncology. Before nursing, Sarah worked as an outdoor educator and rock and ice climbing guide. She taught various courses for Colorado Outward Bound School, such as Wilderness Leadership Semester courses and owned her own guiding business in the 90’s called Women’s Climbing Adventures in the Boulder, CO area. Sarah’s interest in the wilderness started in college when she fell in love with rock and ice climbing, and also while living in France when she was exposed to the French Alpine club. Currently, on her time off, Sarah enjoys ice climbing in the wild drainages of Cody, Wyoming and climbing desert crack splitters in Utah. Sarah and her husband, a retired P.A., both have pilot’s licenses, and dream of building a bush plane together. Sarah got her first WEMT certification in the 1990’s with the SOLO program. Over the last 35 years of adventuring in the mountains, Sarah has been on scene to many accidents in remote places, such as a rescue 5 pitches up the ice climbing route Ham and Eggs on the Moose’s Tooth in Alaska that earned her the Denali Pro Award in 2010. What struck her the most about that experience was that neither of the climbers had any medical or rock rescue knowledge, and had met in a bar the night before. Sarah’s interest in teaching wilderness medicine and vertical rock rescue has continued to grow as she sees a growing need for educating and preventing accidents in the wilderness with so many new people accessing the wild. She is excited to teach wilderness medicine for WMAI!