Sverrir Arnason
Firefighter/EMT-ISverrir has been a professional Firefighter/EMT-I with Reykjavik capital district fire and emergency services since 2005. He was certified as a W-EMT in 2009. Sverrir is also a certified tourist guide, giving him the chance to bring tourists to the Icelandic highlands and glaciers.
Sverrir is a member of ICE-SAR (voluntary search and rescue) where he educates and trains members in outback first aid (Fyrsta hjálp í óbyggðum) which is based on the WMA curriculum. He has also been working as an assistant instructor for EMT courses and instructor for first responder courses for Reykjavik fire and rescue.
Sverrir believes when ones interests and work align well, one doesn’t need hobbies. However, traveling with family and friends, both in and out of Iceland, is his free time activity of choice.