Bridge (WAFA to WFR)

Course Details
Instructor: Zach Vanderwall
Host: Camp Bighorn Inc
Licensed Training Company: Vanderwall and Associates
4/10/25 - 4/13/25
Plains, Montana United States

Bridge (WAFA to WFR)

Course Details

To register for courses, you can use the link provided here, or go to our website and click on the “Register Now” tab. Once complete, we will send you an invoice for payment of required fees with payment options and applicable policies. Room and board offered on-site for additional fees. Details and prices will be listed on the registration form provided through the Link.
The 8 day WFR course has one day off in the middle of the course.

Full Course Description
Instructor: Robb Evis
Host: Paddlefoot
Licensed Training Company: Wilderness Safety Systems
5/22/25 - 5/25/25
Muskoka, Ontario Canada

Bridge (WAFA to WFR)

Course Details

Classes will run from 08:00 to 17:30 each day with limited homework on some evenings. Study groups are encouraged!

Full Course Description
Instructor: Carl Gilmore
Licensed Training Company: Carl Gilmore Consulting
4/12/25 - 4/15/25
TAOS, New Mexico United States

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